How do you develop the business and soft skills of medical technicians such as oncologists, surgeons, and scientists such as physicists and chemists?
GenesisCare has used our Expertship programs and Expertship360s, with HR Daily reporting that “Expertship turbocharges talent pipelines and mobility.
“Healthcare provider GenesisCare has doctors as leaders across the entire organisation, and this has required a unique approach to development.
“Doctors, like other technical experts, typically “over-index on clinical skills and get little-to-none in the way of leadership skills or the soft skills” through the nature of their training,
“Technical experts don’t often receive leadership development, but this can be a gamechanger for talent pipelines and business results, says Sophie Brown, head of doctor engagement.
“They [otherwise] may find themselves in a leadership position or in a position of influence without having the suite of skills that might help them be most effective as a leader.”
The full piece is paywalled on HR Daily’s website. Thanks to Sophie Brown and Suzanne Davies at GenesisCare for agreeing to the interview, and Jo Knox at HR Daily for the story.